Equipment Setup

Arrive at least 20 min before warm-up starts. The pads need to be in before warm-ups.

Set up the tables and chairs for the scorers and timing system.

Get touch pads, cable harness and buttons. In Hillsborough they are located in the room by the hot tub. In Bridgewater the touch pads are on the deck in the far corner and the cables are in the cabinet in the balcony

Get Starting System (from the swim team office on deck in Hillsborough or in the life guard room on deck in Bridgewater). Hopefully it was charging from the night before.

Loop the cable harness around each starting block. Lane 1 on the cable harness goes with lane 1 on the pool in Bridgewater. Lane 1 on the cable harness goes with lane 6 on the pool in Hillsborough. Connect the Starting System to one end of the cable harness.

Put one touch pad per lane. Plug the touch pad into the “Primary Input” in the cable harness. Plug one button per lane into the “Backup Input”.

At the 25-yard end, hang up the wire cable with the harness attached. Lane 1 on cable harness goes with lane 6 on the pool in Hillsborough. Tighten the end with pliers so it doesn’t sag. Attach 2 buttons per lane.

In Bridgewater, the cable just lays on the deck. Lane 1 on the harness goes with Lane 1 on the pool.

The 2 harnesses at each end are connected by la long extension cable.

At end of the meet put everything away. Rinse off the pads and buttons with the hose if possible.